Friday, November 1, 2013

Homemade Apothecary: Black Walnut Hull

When building you homemade apothecary, you look for things that have a multitude of uses and can be gathered or sourced locally, if possible. Living in Missouri, we have access to a giant heap of natural, wild medicinals and one of my favorites is Black Walnuts.

Let's be honest, the best part of having a endless supply of black walnuts is the ability to eat until your heart is content. But, if you were to dig a little deeper, you'd find that they are an amazing medicinal as well.

When harvesting black walnuts you want to look for mature fruit that has fallen to the ground. While you can use the bark, leaves and the fruit (the hull and the seed/meet, for now I'm just going to focus on the use of the hull. (We'll leave the leaves and bark for another rainy day.)

While traditionally used to treat internal parasites, the benefits of the hull do not just stop there. High in Omega-3 fatty acids, tannins and iodine, this little (yet sometimes pesky) plant has natural antibacterial, astringent, laxative and emetic properties that make it wonderful for treating several ailments.

Black Walnut can help manage/treat:
  • Eczema & Psoriasis
  • Acne
  • Canker Sores
  • Poor Digestion and Diarrhea
  • Worms, Parasites and Ring Worm
  • Yeast and Fungal Infections
  • Warts (it is said to be a traditional remedy- apply the hull directly 3x daily for as long as needed)
  • Possibly reverse the effects of radiation (source)

There are several ways to take black walnut hull, but no matter the form, you shouldn't take it internally for longer than six weeks at a time. Black walnut hull is high in tannins, and if taken for too long can cause issues for your kidneys. It is not considered safe for use during pregnancy and should be heavily considered before use while breastfeeding. It has been shown to decrease milk supply.

Black walnut hull can be dried into a powder, put into pill form, made into a tincture or for skin ailments, used in a compress or directly on the skin from the hull. Pick up some black walnuts and whip up a batch of all forms or purchase from your favorite source.

And for further reading, stop by and check out these pages:
(The links might be hard to see, I'm working to fix this problem.)
The Herbal Resource
Global Healing Center 
Vitamin E-Store 

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. What I share is what I use personally for my own family, and I greatly encourage you to research and talk over these items with your preferred choice of a health care provider (I recommend Naturopaths and Chiropractors.)**

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Grandmother Moon and You


Have you heard the story of Grandmother Moon? How her sister, Grandmother Ocean, offered to cleanse the excessive energy we take in through out the month and in doing so, Grandmother Moon brings her sister's waters to use once a month. (If not, you can read the story here.)

The moon controls the flow of the tides and electromagnetic fields. We hold inside our wombs, in our souls a small replica of her power. From our journey through the maiden to the mother to the wise old crone, or the process of releasing an egg to provide a fertile place where the seed of life can continue to grow, the power of the moon is inside of us. A woman on her menses used to be referred to being "on her moon" and was revered as sacred and honored by everyone in her tribe or community. 

We need to remember the times when being on "on the moon" meant we were more like the moon. She is our life cycle and our life source. She is like a young fair maiden at the beginning of her cycle. Growing with experience and gaining confidence until she shines at her fullest. Full like a mother pregnant with her own maiden, an embodiment of the fullest part of our cycles, when we can carry the life force in us at the highest. She shimmers like the old crone with her sage wisdom at the end of her cycle, preparing to pass her secret on to the next maiden before her light releases into the next plane. 

We have long forgotten the power that the moon lends us. Instead we rush her, push her and ignore her natural call. Like a great mother keeping watch over us as we sleep, we've given our trust to her, but no longer in return to we acknowledge her strength and wisdom in our hearts, souls and wombs. She is not only a reminder of being watched, she is a reminder of how our cycle should be. Empty, yearning for fulfillment, plump with expectancy and then passing every so beautiful with a rush of glory.  

This forgetfulness has come at a risk. We no longer know how to handle the energy lent to use during our moon period. The consequences of this are great. We suffer from mood disorders, PMS, PMDD, lack of energy extreme bleeding and cramps. We do not use her light and a beacon to remember our cycles. We are not in sync as women anymore. (And I'd wager this has A LOT to do with the "mommy wars".) We have been deprogrammed to know the strength in our menses and programmed to think of them as an inconvenience.

But the beauty is we can regain this. We can tune back into Grandmother Moon. We can meditate, sit in the moonlight and removed stress and toxins from our diet to get us back to Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon. The most beneficial and productive way to get our cycles back on, well, cycle is to enjoy our menses. Rest, meditate, avoid things that pull your energy, feed yourself quality food during your menses and honor the inner goddess in you. Yoga is great during your menses because it forces you to focus and breathe while allowing tension to be released.

So the next time you're tempted to moan about your menses to your fellow sage sister, take a moment, breathe and enjoy a cup of tea (I recommend some Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for it's amazing properties.) and share with you sage sister the beauty of the power you hold inside your womb. 


(To join a group of women who are dedicated to tracking their cycles and taking charge of their fertility and harnessing the moon, please look up "Moon Daughters" on Facebook.)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Is Master Tonic For You!?!

This past week I have been doing a lot of late fall/winter preparations. Putting up some of the last ends of the harvest, making laundry soap to last until spring and even delving into making kombucha at home. (Have you ever priced that stuff?!? It's outrageous.) 

Here in the upper Ozarka winters can be harsh. They can literally throw you into the 1900s with no electricity, water or internet. So the preparations have to start early, because without running water or heat, there can be many opportunities for  catching some nasty bug. 

Perhaps the biggest preparation I have started was my Master Tonic. While this is mainly for myself to use as a preventative to not catch anything (never know when a mama is going to go into labor) that might come floating around. 

So what is Master Tonic?

Master Tonic is a potent blend of food ingredients that are known to hold anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Very similar to the concoction of herbs used by thieves during the Black Plague to prevent people who came in contact from catching it. 

What is in Master Tonic?

The blend can vary a lot depending in the region and the creator of your blend. Personally, I like to use all fresh ingredients either grown in my garden or wild crafted to get the most benefits out if them. Dry herbs can be used for just the plain herb version, but you will sacrifice some of the potency of your tonic. 

The list of herbs used in Master Tonic is considerably shorter and uses more common kitchen ingredients than Thieves   Vinegar, they can be used interchangeably with some discretion. **You would want to exercise caution in using anything on your skin or internally that could cause a reaction.**

Herbs/Ingredients Traditionally Used:
White Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Red Wine Vinegar
Wild Marjoram 
Campanula Root
Hot Peppers (cayenne, Thai, jalapeƱo, etc.)

**Please research any ingredient before you use. Some are not intended for use in people with health condition, pregnant or nursing moms or with certain medications. Consults a physician or pharmacist with any questions. 

So do I still have you interested? Want to make your own version of Master Tonic? I'll provide two versions that I use. I like to start them on a New Moon and finish them up on the Full Moon. Make sure to shake vigorously atleast once a day. 

Standard Master Tonic
Cayenne Peppers -Seeds and Gills incld. 
Apple Cider Vinegar

Use equal parts of food ingredients. 
Grate or chop all ingredients into small pieces. Put in glass jar to about 3/4 full. Cover with ACV and put a lid on and let sit for 15 days. 

CVM's Ultra Potent Master Tonic
Cayenne Peppers
Apple Cider Vinegar

Equal parts on all ingredients except the ACV. 
Chop or grate ingredients. But all ingredients into a glass jar to about 3/4 full, cover with apple cider vinegar and put a lid on it. Let sit for 15 days. 

To Finish
Strain "pulp" in a cheese cloth over a bowl and squeeze pulp to remove extra liquid. (Wearing gloves is smart!! This is super strong.) Put your liquid in a jar with a lid and store in a cool dark place. Out pulp in another jar and save for salads and such. It is still very potent and adds zing to meals. 

To Use
Take 1 ounce and swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds and then swallow. Use 2x-3x daily as a preventative during cold an flu season. 

You can also put it on your hands to help prevent contracting any bugs when interacting with people. 

Master Tonic is a great preventative that packs a potent kick in upping your immune system and fighting bugs while still supports your overall health. So, is Master Tonic for you? 

Send in your pictures of your completed tonic to share!! I'd love to hear how yours turns out! 


Friday, September 6, 2013

The New Norman Rockwell

There is this idea out there that moms (and especially WAHM/SAHM) moms are supposed to be perfect. We're supposed to have our shit together and dinner ready when our husband/boyfriend/wife/etc walks into our house. Society tells us that all we do is sit merrily in our rears eating Pinterest inspired meals while our children happily play together in the corner- oh wait, they're playing on iPads and cell phones these days.  A modern day Norman Rockwell. 

And while soda shops and homemade apple pie are all peachy kin and shit, we've created a monster. We've set our future generations up on the front line of the mother of all wars. To fight the battles  of living their lives with their families without Facebook induced judgement and unwarranted DFS calls. 

I want to say we fueled this war on moms. This saga of never ending guilt and shame by putting other mothers down. We've all done it. We've all made the snide comment about how Mary parents or how Jan and her clan always look perfect so she must be up to something. We relish in the reality TV version of other women's lives, not realizing our actions and reactions are what is fueling this war on moms. 

We've become so desensitized to cruelty and judgement. It's a part of our everyday life. We are teaching it earlier and earlier in our children's lives by just our normal actions. We are literally teaching our children the battle strategies to continue an industry created war on parenting, especially mothering. 

All of a sudden, ever little parenting move you make is judged. Gauged even. We are defined by a series of government and society approved ideas and standards that really do not fit most of us. Yet we don't change them. We work to change ourselves into something we do not even recognize. 

Again, we fuel the war. 

We refuse to be unique (who wants to be labeled something far worse for walking to your own drum) and conform. Even when we are walking our own path, we receive even more criticism. We are in a giant catch-22 of craptastic values, morals and ideas spoon fed to us by the international giant of society. 

Breaking free is hard, but doable. You might get yelled at, name called or unfriended on your social media site of choice. But breaking free is the best thing for your sanity, your children and future parents out there. 

And in the meantime, let whatever flag you relate to, fly!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Friday Prep Day

So I don't know about you, but one of our family's biggest goals is to not rely on the major corporations or government to meet any of our needs. We desire to build close ties to small producers in our community (we have a very large local Amish community) and solely support those who truly stand up for American. 

Since my family is still in the semi-early stages of making our giant transition to not being dependent on anyone, I thought maybe you might want to join in. 


Each Friday I am going to share my "Friday Prep Day Tip" of the week and how I am putting it into action for the week, month and long term. 

I encourage you to actively participate in the conversation and each week, I'll feature my 3 favorite tips and who sent them at the top of the post. 

I look forward to learning, growing and prepping with you. 

So for this week, 
What is your favorite Heirloom seed company? 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Monster Giveaway

It's happening again! A ginormous giveaway with some amazing companies! You know you want to enter!! 

This fabulous prize is valued at $500+
  • Yummi Pouch - Little Munchkin Set with Yummi Pouch Brights. ($29 value)
  • Gibout Toys - 4 pack of blocks ($119.96 value)
  • New Jammies - 3 pairs of New Jammies ($105 value)
  • Milkin' Cookies - 2 week supply of Milkin' Cookies ($21.99 value)
  • Wristy Buddy - Teething wristband ($14.95 value)
  • Ah Goo Baby - ARK changing pad ($49.95 value)
  • Bumkins - Dr. Suess Gift Basket
  • KinderStuff - Organic t-shirt ($32 value)
  • Poopsies - Dakota style Poopsies 3-6mo ($35 value)
  • Wishy Life Buddies - An Easter Tradition Book + Buddy ($30 value) 
  • Buttons Diapers - 3 cloth diaper covers and 6 daytime inserts ($54 value)
So what are you waiting for? Enter now before time runs out!! And make sure to show some love on all the pages involved and companies sponsoring!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New Baby Necessities Giveaway!!

New Baby Necessities Giveaway!!

enter to win,yummi pouch,giveaway

Hop on over and join in this BIG giveaway! Loaded with amazing products when you're expecting a new baby, this package will have you up and off to a good start! 

All by small companies driven to make sure each family can provide exactly what they need without all the extras and junk we don't want in our home or lives!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Who I Am

So I've talked before about being on my path. Knowing things that shape who I am and who I want to be on my journey. And the longer I listen to myself, the more I find out who I really am. The only problem with finding who I am is finding I'm nowhere near who I thought I was and nowhere near what society and other people would consider “acceptable”. Now though, I am okay with that. I have finally made my peace with who I am and it is more freeing than I ever thought possible.

So who I am, you ask? Well, grab a mug of coffee or tea and a comfy seat and I will share who I am and how I managed my journey. Because life may be a highway, but all highways have on and off ramps for amazing, sometimes challenging detours. Sometimes they are beautiful, sometimes mournful and then sometimes they are so awe-inspiring that you feel goosebumps when you mention something that resonates with your heart?

Religion is often something that makes up the majority of people. Following God, being a Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Pagan or Gnostic. It's such a variety and there is a war with all of them. We're too worried about the terms to worry about the bigger picture. For me, I identify myself as a God and Goddess loving, Jesus following, nature loving, tree hugging hippie Kitchen Witch. Why all these things? Because I believe in the duality. I don't feel that God would be just male. I really believe that everything on Earth is made in “Their” image so it would have to be a duality. I believe in Jesus and His teachings, yet I believe He was our Earth-bound teacher. He respected the land, the people of different faiths and especially those who were different or not considered equal to other people. His teachings are basic life lessons that teach you how to be a good person. And yes, He did say that you should love your God with all your heart. But I feel my God is both a God and a Goddess. Two entities who form one.

So the nature loving, tree hugging hippie Kitchen Witch part. I really feel like a God/Goddess who put us on this Earth and talks so much about it in the beginning that They wanted us to have everything we need to take care of ourselves. Herbalism, Divination, Respect, enjoyment in the daily tasks are parts of me that are most important. Healthy living. Living out the role of a mom, healer and care provider for my family is best done in my Kitchen. Growing nutrition {aka a garden/herbs} and using that to heal my family. Using my energy and praying for guidance in my kitchen while I prepare things to nourish my families bodies and souls. Respecting nature. Giving back to it when I can by recycling and composting. Loving Earth by treating her with respect and teaching my children to respect and love it. Leaving a better Earth for my children and leaving better children for the Earth.

So we've covered the religion part. The next part is where I have finally have come to realize anyone who has a problem with who I am, really isn't accepting of themselves. When we finally accept ourselves as a whole and no longer worry about what others think of us, then we can do the same for other people. To find acceptance for other people, we have to look deep inside ourselves and find out who we really are. Admit our flaws {I'm horrible at follow through, talk a lot and might need to tone my arms and belly.} and acknowledge our strengths without feeling like we shouldn't brag {I'm a great doula, an awesome researcher and a fun mom.} then we can look at others and only see their strengths. When we knit-pick others we are doing it because we are projecting our thoughts onto them. Sometimes this can be a good thing. It gives us a chance to really see what we need to work on or let go off. Where we can further grow in our lives and where it is time to let the plant die so that we can make room for a new one. For a long time I have projected my problems and flaws onto other people. I never stop to consider that it was something I need to work on. Finally realizing that has set me free.

I don't like wearing makeup. But I look really amazing in it. So I do it to make myself feel beautiful when I want to. And only when I want to. Never more, never less. I do however, like wearing dresses and skirts all the time. I feel more like myself when wearing them. I went all through high school wearing pants and really was never comfortable. If I had known that I would feel a million times more comfortable in my own skin wearing dresses I would have done it ages ago.

And I like to make things, but my follow through sucks. I keep saying I want to open an Etsy shop, but I'm afraid that if I did I wouldn't keep up with everything. I'd forget to mail stuff or I'd suck at it. Honestly, I'd really love to open a shop up like the one in Practical Magic. Maybe I should work on that next. Add it in with my doula and midwife work. We'll see.

So I've shared who I am and where I am considering going, so sound off in the comments who you are and where you are going. Have you found out who you are? Are you working on it?

-The Anti-Mainstream Mom

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spelling City Review

I've been given a Premium Membership to for a candid, personal, online review.
VocabularySpellingCity helps students study word lists using 25 different learning activities such as Unscramble, Hangman, WordFind, and Crossword Puzzle. Parents can create their own spelling lists, find published lists already available on the site, or use any of dozens of free teaching resources on topics such as Analogies and Syllables. Be sure to come back in three weeks to read about my experience.
There might be more free memberships available for bloggers. If you're interested, find out how you can review

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Finding Direction

So obviously the blog has been lacking. And I'm super seriously sorry about that. I really have no good excuses other than life has gotten in the way. So what have I been up to? Well, life. Figuring out some more things, directions and goals for my family. Setting up breastfeeding groups, working on finding a midwife to work with, getting everything prepared for homeschooling/unschooling, figuring out a budget and finding out if we want to stay where we are or move closer to split the difference between our current jobs. Oh, and there is that. I took a summer job to help save up money to either a) by our own land and build up from the ground up or b) buy a cheap little house with a bit of land and turn it in to our very own homestead (or rent it).

So yes, choices, planning and finding direction. Finding out more of who I am, who my family is and where we want to be. Where our future lies. And none of these are easy decisions. The effect of these are going to dictate our next several years. And before we've kind of jumped and not planned. The fear of jumping this time is holding me back. With the results in the several previous times, I am not willing to go into our next life decision without a plan and enough money to support the decision.

For once though I am not thinking about anyone other than my little family of four. I'm not worried about what my parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents will think. I am only worried about what is going to work best for my family. What is going to give us the life we wanted without any trouble. Without worrying about if we will have enough to provide for every day life and still be able to do everything we want in life. We are not going to compromise our goals of homeschooling/unschooling, gardening and living off the grid as much as possible, homesteading, and saving for anything. We know that we can find what we want and still have all of our integrity. We can still reach our goals. And along with not compromising our personal wants. I will not have to give up my goal of becoming a midwife and Anti-Mainstream Dad won't have to give up his life ambitions. He'll be able to work greater towards what it is he wants out of life.

Our family finally has a motto. It's not a Scripture or quote. It's just simply a goal. Our motto is a goal. “Find Yourself and Be Willing to Look Yourself in the Eye.” Nothing greater than true self love and acceptance is more important to our family. Because once we have accepted ourselves, then we are willing and open to working together and accepting everyone. So we will work towards our family motto/goal and work towards meeting all our life goals and no longer judge or regard anyone or anything with malice. We will simply be who we are and by being who we are, we will succeed in all our family goals.

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm not bribing my kid, I'm teaching him to work towards and incentive!

I have a rant. A problem really. And the more I think about it logically, the more it upsets me. While I try not to spank or raise my voice or any of those wonderful ::eyeroll:: parenting style methods my parents used on me, I do have one I use. Most people call it bribing. I call it something entirely different.

We hear it all the time.

"Don't bribe your kid, they'll grow up wanting something for everything."

"Don't bribe your kid, you'll make them spoiled."

"Don't bribe you kid, yada yada yada....."

By their standards I do bribe my child. But I don't call it bribery and I don't think there is truly anything wrong with it. Why, you ask?

Well I think of it this way. The entire foundation of our adult life is based on incentives and goals. When you grow up and you work in the "real world" (whatever that really is!!) you have incentives for everything you do.

Go to work = Make money.
Do good at work = Get bonuses.
Pay your bills on time =Get good credit.
Help a friend out = Get free beer.

So if in our pursuit to prepare our children for "real life" we do not teach them the value and goal of incentives, then I feel like we are leaving out a crucial part of life skills. I'm not bribing my child. I'm teaching him to work towards a goal and incentive that will benefit him.

Do you teach your child to work towards a goal or an incentive?

Share your comments below!
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ramble, Ramble

So I've been gone. I know, crummy me. But between a birth, mailing gifts out (and prizes!!) and starting to take charge of my healthy, I've just been kind of swamped. So while today is short and sweet, I do think about you all daily and am figuring out everything on my iPhone to get things going.

So this week brings *hopefully* the launch of the Etsy shop. Week 2 of C25k training and enough lettuce in my garden to make a salad!

So here's the baby from the last birth I attended! She's gorgeous and her mom was a rockstar! VBAC natural birth that didn't last very long at all. This family was amazing. Seriously, the dad of Baby W could be teaching classes on how to be a gentleman.

Ignore my lovely look. I was exhausted!

Here's one of the first babies I was there to witness and support being born. Baby Kenners (not her real name!) is actually the cousin to Baby W. She too was also born naturally to a mom having her 3rd baby and first natural birth! It was a marathon birth, but taught me so much! And Momma ended up becoming one of my best friends.

Those cheeks! She's so loveable. We even FaceTime!

And last but not least, my running soundtrack. Just because I am so giddy about my old school music!

So tell me below, what do you listen to when you workout!?!

-The Anti-Mainstream Mom


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Using Natures Best to Treat at Home (And a Giveaway!)

With as many chemicals that children come into contact with in the air today, the last thing I want to do is add chemicals and junk when trying to treat a cold or a seasonal allergies. But what am I to turn to if natural and preventative measures don't work out like planned?

For our family, homeopathic medicine is now our go-to for things that need a slightly more aggressive treatment than just the basics. After the birth of my first and learning about things like vaccines and food dyes, I have vowed that unless absolutely, end game necessary, my children would avoid using Western medicine and we'd use natural, holistic or homeopathic treatments.

So much to my pleasure, I had the opportunity to try several items from the Hyland's children's care line. And the package couldn't have arrived at a better time.

The first thing I noticed about Hyland's was the care that they took in packaging their product. The attention to detail showed that they want to make each purchase from their website personal. That added touch really means a lot. Included with the package was a handout talking about homeopathy. It was help and informative.

So the products I've had the chance to review are:

  • Sniffles 'n Sneezes 4 Kids
  • Allergy Relief
  • Cold'n Cough 4 Kids
  • Nighttime Cold'n Cough 4 Kids
  • Calms FortĆ©
  • Complete Flu Care 4 Kids
The Hyland's Kids Care line works for children 2 and up. As a mother, I try *almost* everything that I give my children to be sure that it is safe. I think it's a natural instinct. And I can say that what worked for my kids, worked for myself too. Which earns them a double whammy. It may be "for kids" but it works well for adults too. 

Out of the products that I received, I've already had the chance to review three of them in just about a week thanks to our lovely Missouri weather (rain, 80 degree temps and snow in one week-in April/May).

Sniffles 'n Sneezes 4 Kids
This product is great for little kids who you can't get to take garlic just yet. ;) (Hey I can dream that they will eventually, right!?)  When boosting their immune system just isn't enough and they need a little something to help with the runny nose, sneezing, watering eyes and everything else a minor cold brings, this can really save the day. Especially with a little one who is just at 2 years old! An overnight dose worked to knock out the rest of her cold by morning and she was back to getting into everything again.

Calms FortƩ
What I liked best about Calms FortĆ© cannot even be explained in words. I need like choir music and angelic voices for this. My son has a tendency to go a few days trying to get as little sleep as possible until it comes to a peak with a night where every little thing will make him emotional and restless. He'll fuss and fight and scream and cry and there isn't much we can do about until he finally "crashes and burns". This has always broken my heart. Enter Calms FortĆ©. Just a dose or two and he is a normal, happy, easy to get to sleep little 4 year old. No more agitation. No more fighting him to calm him down. Just calm, easy and eager to finally fall asleep. And the help it has provided at night is showing during his waking hours. He's more refreshed and no longer grumpy! 

Cold'n Cough 4 Kids
Let's face it. Kids are germ magnets. And sometimes handwashing just doesn't happen fast enough to prevent cold germs from settling in. And then before you know it they are cranky and you're not getting any sleep. But what if you don't like to use acetaminophen or ibuprofen? Your options might get rather limited at that point. Or so you think. Cold'n Cough 4 Kids really did the trick. It kicked the worst of the symptoms and allowed my little one to sleep well over night. And a rested baby (and momma) is a happy baby (and momma)! 

Another big win for Hyland's is that they print all the information on the bottle, the box and the insert that comes with the product. There are no chances for you to misplace or lose the instructions with each product. And the doses are generally the same for each medicine that it's easy to set the standard of what you need to give each age group. 

The quality, ability to work and general awesomeness of this product has really made me a huge fan and believer of Hyland's Kids Care line. So much so, that I'm able to offer you a chance to win everything I've had the opportunity to try. :) This is a really good value and a great score have in your house. 



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hugs & Coffee,
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Finding my Internal Beat

*Thump, thump-thump, thump, thuuuuummmmp*

Listen quietly. Sit in the calm and you'll hear it. You'll feel it.It's always been with you. It always will be. It's there beneath everything. Beneath every sound, vibrations and distraction. And until we discover that we have it, it can be rather quiet, not making enough noise to stir our attention.

The first sound we hear in the womb is our mother's heartbeat. We vibrate to that Primordial Rhythm even before we have ears to hear. ~Layne Redmond
 We each have our own internal beat.  A rhythm unique to each of us. One that drives our souls and stirs our passions. And it's beautiful and passionate. It ebbs and flows, stronger sometimes, softer others.

So what's your internal beat like? I don't know! And that's the beauty of it. I'm still learning my own. And when I find mine and you find yours, we'll make beautiful music together with our beats.

But I can share things that shape mine. They change weekly, monthly, sometimes hourly. But the are what forms the rhythm in my soul.

My beat is shaped by my family, my role in my family, my kids, nature, breastfeeding, music, my lifestyle and my job-being a doula. They make up my beat. My nurturing, caring, opinionated and wondrous beat.

What shapes yours?

Hugs & Coffee,
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom
Please take a second to join us on Facebook!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Same garden bed. 3 different weeks.
What is your Wednesday looking like?

-The Anti-Mainstream Mom

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I am whomever you say I am.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You don't give me a chance to show you the depth,
that I know resides in me.
You see what my status says,
or the clothes that I wear.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You see a political activist,
you label me a conspiracist.
You see a non-mainstream parent,
you label me attachment.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You see me nursing a toddler,
you label me a sexual deviant.
You see me planting a garden,
you label me a free-range hippie.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You see me teaching kids at home,
you label me a religious fanatic.
You see me running around without a bra,
you label me a feminist.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You decide before you know me.

So who are you?
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dear Plugged Ducts, -Eff Off.

22 months. I have gone 22 months of nursing without a single hiccup other than thrush. Not a single bout of plugged ducts, mastitis or horrible latch. She was a champion nurser from the get go and it didn't show any signs of stopping. It looked like our nursing career was going to be great. Simple. Easy. One of those that makes breastfeeding seem like the most natural, instinctual, gravy on the biscuits things in life. Then, bam!, plugged ducts.

Whoever said nursing was simple obviously hadn't suffered through plugged ducts. This is hell. Hell, I'm telling you!! I want to scream. I want to cut my breast off. This is down right the most horrible experience in my 22 months I have had. Nursing hurts now. It's enough to make me feel so horrible for any mom who has had to deal with this. How did you survive!?!

Okay, okay. I might be going a bit over the top. Or a lot over the top-but hey, this sucks! But seriously, I cannot wait for the ducts to finally be cleared. My ducts is right behind to the left (or is that right) of the nipple and it makes latching the most painful experience ever. I'm so engorged in that area that her teeth are leaving indentions in my breast. Yikes! Thank goodness she isn't biting me too.

So what ways can you treat plugged ducts. None of them are a cake walk, but it has to be done to prevent mastitis.

  • Nurse, nurse, nurse and nurse again. Start with the breast with the blocked duct. If it hurts too much start on the other side until you feel let down and then switch back. Nurse as frequently as possible and aim to empty the breast.
  • Rest. Resting as much as you can  will help. 
  • Proper hydration. Do not stop drinking fluids, in fact, drinking more fluids can really be helpful.
  • Use heat and compression before and during nursing to help empty your breast. 
  • Make sure latch is correct and try positions such as nursing on all fours or "dangle" nursing. 
  • Pump/hand express after feedings to remove as much milk as possible. 
  • Cold compresses afterwards to help with swelling and pain. 
  • Ibuprofen to help with pain relieve and swelling. If you cannot use ibuprofen, then acetaminophen alone will work. 
  • Garlic, raw and fresh. 2-8 cloves a day chopped up into chunks and taken like a pill. This will work to prevent any infection that might be brewing. 
So at that note... I guess I should go nurse this plug out.

Bonyata, K. 2011, July 27 Plugged ducts and mastitis.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Peak Into Our Life

I forgot to do Wordless Wednesday. I really thought I would do it, but yikes, I forgot. So instead, I figured I'd share a few pictures over the last few days to give you a glimpse into our little life. We aren't a "busy" family. All our activity comes from what we do around our little homestead. So here you go....

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Musing and Our Meal Plan

Monday, Monday, oh Monday!! *sigh*

This past week has been an interesting one. I have teamed up with another sponsor and will be reviewing their product and hosting another giveaway shortly after the Chasing Cloud giveaway is over. I've been dealing with milk blisters and clogged ducts and horrible nursing. Hey, no one said nursing a kid at 22 months would be easy! And then there is the gardening, laundry and getting everything ready for summer. {Why did I type that while singing Cinderella? Oh yeah, we watch it daily here. Family favorite.} It's been busy around our tiny little home, and while I wouldn't have it any other way, it would be nice to have 20 minutes of a break and enjoy the trees blooming.

So what's exciting? Well, a few friends of mine and I are teaming up for a mutli-person blog that will showcase different aspects of parenting that we all focus on. Pretty excited for it's launch on May 1st! What a great day to launch our new blog too.

With the kids we are working on our Schooling Adventures and I hope to be able to update the area on that shortly. It is amazing what nature teaches you. We are focusing on growing and catching our own food and ways to prepare it this summer. The 4 year old is very excited for this. He loves fishing and mushroom hunting.

I'm working on getting enough goods together to launch my own Etsy store. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to be offering Mama Cloth, Nursing Pads, Nursing Covers, Wet Bags, Dryer Balls and Personal care products. It's coming along, but then with finding time for everything my head is spinning.

I was given new pots and pans today. My mom gifted me a brand new set of Rachael Ray pots and pans with utensils! I'm pretty stoked about that one. I also received a Big Boss single serving blender set (think Magic Bullet). It is awesome. I have been enjoying iced coffees and smoothies. The things I have in store for it! 

So that leaves me at the meal plan.

I'm thinking about doing it differently now. Today I went and did about 3-4 weeks worth of grocery shopping. I'm going to now be making my meal plans based off what I have on hand and work on just replenishing my stock when I need to each week/month.

So what's to eat you ask?

Chipped beef and gravy on biscuits
Bacon and Eggs
French Toast
Omelets x2
Southern Skillet

Sandwiches and Veggies

Sandwiches and Fruit
Chicken Stir-fry
Burgers and Fries
Chicken and Dumpling on Mashed Poatatoes
Parmesean Salmon and Broccoli
Mexican Fiesta Night x 2

So excited for this next week ahead. With all the rain we're getting my lettuce is just a growing. You can see the difference daily. I cannot wait until we are harvesting our fresh food and enjoying it! 

Oh, did I mention I was able to get avocado's for a.25 a piece today! I bought 16 to cut and freeze using my vacuum sealer.

Inspire me- what's on your menu this week!?

Hugs & Coffee, 
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom
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Friday, April 19, 2013

Preparing Your Mind and Body for Labor

One of the most challenging and fulfilling experiences in life is giving birth. It is a test of will and strength that is like no other. But just like any races or workout you begin, you do not want to go into in unprepared, mentally and physically. Below are several ways you can begin to prepare your body and mind for labor.

Mentally: By far, labor is a mental game. Being prepared and understanding what each stage of labor is going to bring will allow your mind and body to stay in the game far longer. You can prepare mentally by:

Visualization: Visualizing your birth experience and how you want to handle each change is a

great way to plan. Walk yourself through how you feel early/latent labor going, where do you

plan on laboring at, is there music, etc. Do this for each stage. Writing it down can often help

you affirm your plan. Make it positive, but also visualize how you would handle unexpected


Prayer/Meditation: Using prayer and meditation to release your positive energy and thoughts to

direct your birth. Ask your religious Deity for support during labor. Turn to Scripture or Religious

text to prepare you.

Don't get hung up on the “What ifs?”: Every birth experience from mother to mother and even

baby to baby is going to be different. Don't get hung up worrying about what could have or

should have happened. You might be planning and preparing for a homebirth, but a natural

hospital birth can be just as fulfilling if you allow yourself the chance to enjoy it. Life changes

constantly, be prepared to roll with them.

Let go of your fears: It's a little know, not talked about in the OB office fact that fear can slow

or even stall your progress. Let go of fears and trust in your innate ability to birth your baby and you will be able to handle any obstacle that arises.

Focus on Baby: The ultimate goal here is a happy, healthy baby. Remembering that your are

working for the baby and not the method in which you get there will take a lot of stress off.

Yes, every woman wants her ideal birth, and there is nothing wrong with working towards that,

but do not become so hung up on the birth experience that you forget the reason you are



Just like preparing for a race, you want to train your body. You do not want to get the point of pushing and not have the stamina to continue. Because birth is a race of it's own kind, you want to prepare your body in accordance. Below are a few ways to prepare your body physically.

Gentle Exercise: I am not advocating you going out and doing some high end workout routine or

beginning a couch to 5k training, but you do want to gently exercise your body. Great ways to

do this are yoga and walking. The point of gentle exercise is to not wear yourself out, but to

increase your stamina so that you can go further and longer when birth begins.

Hydration: Often women are so tired of running to the restroom at the end of labor you'll find

them drinking less and less. This is the exact opposite of what you want to do. Being hydrated

has profound benefits on your birth experience. You will find that contractions can feel stronger

when you are dehydrated or your other muscles will cramp up. Since most hospitals do not allow

you to drink, you want to be well hydrated going in.

Breathing: This is very important to a runner, a dancer and even a birthing mother. Your

breathe is a very powerful and controlling action. During labor, you have the ability to breathe

yourself through the contractions, even when you think you aren't able. Start learning coping

breathes now so that when labor comes, you are prepared with the ones you want to try.

Stretching: Stretching your muscles daily will help prevent cramps and tightening during labor.

The looser and more relaxed you can be during labor the easier it will be for you to handle

the contractions.

Kegel Exercises: Kegel exercises are used to strengthen the pelvic muscles to aide in a better

birth. These should be performed daily to increase their effectiveness. They should be done 30

times a day and held for 30 seconds. To do them you flex your muscles like you would stop your


Perineum Massage: Massaging of the perineum during pregnancy works to increase the elasticity

to prevent tears or the need of an episiotomy during delivery. While this can be done on your

own, it is much easier and effective if you have your partner do it for you. 

**This is actually a document I wrote for my childbirth education classes. Please ask permission before reprinting.** 

Hugs & Coffee, 
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom  

Beier, Catherine. (2013, April 5). You want a natural vaginal birth, but have you prepared for it?. Retrieved from
McBride, Tocarra. (2011, July 4). Natural way to prepare your body for the birth of a baby. Retrieved from
Clark, Sarah. (2010, September 20). 1o ways to prepare a mom for a great birth. Retrieved from