Listen quietly. Sit in the calm and you'll hear it. You'll feel it.It's always been with you. It always will be. It's there beneath everything. Beneath every sound, vibrations and distraction. And until we discover that we have it, it can be rather quiet, not making enough noise to stir our attention.
The first sound we hear in the womb is our mother's heartbeat. We vibrate to that Primordial Rhythm even before we have ears to hear. ~Layne RedmondWe each have our own internal beat. A rhythm unique to each of us. One that drives our souls and stirs our passions. And it's beautiful and passionate. It ebbs and flows, stronger sometimes, softer others.
So what's your internal beat like? I don't know! And that's the beauty of it. I'm still learning my own. And when I find mine and you find yours, we'll make beautiful music together with our beats.
But I can share things that shape mine. They change weekly, monthly, sometimes hourly. But the are what forms the rhythm in my soul.
My beat is shaped by my family, my role in my family, my kids, nature, breastfeeding, music, my lifestyle and my job-being a doula. They make up my beat. My nurturing, caring, opinionated and wondrous beat.
What shapes yours?
Hugs & Coffee,
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom
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The rhythm of my day is 100% formed around the happiness of my babies. If they are happy then everything else seems to fall into place.