obviously the blog has been lacking. And I'm super seriously sorry
about that. I really have no good excuses other than life has gotten
in the way. So what have I been up to? Well, life. Figuring out some
more things, directions and goals for my family. Setting up
breastfeeding groups, working on finding a midwife to work with,
getting everything prepared for homeschooling/unschooling, figuring
out a budget and finding out if we want to stay where we are or move
closer to split the difference between our current jobs. Oh, and
there is that. I took a summer job to help save up money to either a)
by our own land and build up from the ground up or b) buy a cheap
little house with a bit of land and turn it in to our very own
homestead (or rent it).
yes, choices, planning and finding direction. Finding out more of who
I am, who my family is and where we want to be. Where our future
lies. And none of these are easy decisions. The effect of these are
going to dictate our next several years. And before we've kind of
jumped and not planned. The fear of jumping this time is holding me
back. With the results in the several previous times, I am not
willing to go into our next life decision without a plan and enough
money to support the decision.
once though I am not thinking about anyone other than my little
family of four. I'm not worried about what my parents, siblings,
cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents will think. I am only worried
about what is going to work best for my family. What is going to give
us the life we wanted without any trouble. Without worrying about if
we will have enough to provide for every day life and still be able
to do everything we want in life. We are not going to compromise our
goals of homeschooling/unschooling, gardening and living off the grid
as much as possible, homesteading, and saving for anything. We know
that we can find what we want and still have all of our integrity. We
can still reach our goals. And along with not compromising our
personal wants. I will not have to give up my goal of becoming a
midwife and Anti-Mainstream Dad won't have to give up his life
ambitions. He'll be able to work greater towards what it is he wants
out of life.
family finally has a motto. It's not a Scripture or quote. It's just
simply a goal. Our motto is a goal. “Find Yourself and Be Willing
to Look Yourself in the Eye.” Nothing greater than true self love
and acceptance is more important to our family. Because once we have
accepted ourselves, then we are willing and open to working together
and accepting everyone. So we will work towards our family motto/goal
and work towards meeting all our life goals and no longer judge or
regard anyone or anything with malice. We will simply be who we are
and by being who we are, we will succeed in all our family goals.
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