Monday, March 18, 2013

Simplifying our Wardrobe: The Purge (Pt 1)

We are getting ready for a big change. A change that involves less closet space. And we are very excited about the prospect that it brings. But there is one little hitch. There will not be enough room to keep what is considered a full wardrobe for all of us. Which is okay, I'm tired of all the laundry anyway. So we are downsizing. 

"The Purge" as you've noticed it being called has started. I've sorted about 10 baskets full of laundry already. (See, told you we have a lot of clothes.) I probably have about 10 more to do as well. Plus bedding. This is getting fun.

Fun? Yes fun. Because we are making it fun. I ask my son if he wants to keep something or send it off into the Universe. We aren't just purging and throwing away. Or even selling. We are going to be giving all our kids clothes to a great inner city organization. Because coming from our homeless and in desperate need background, we know the value simple things hold. And I don't even want my kids to forget that! 

This is proving to be an exercise in learning what are wants and needs. Because we may want to keep all our favorite t'shirts, but we don't need too. And any that are stained and are not going to be able to be used my the groups we are donating to, I plan to turn them into fun little blankets. It will be a great memory and have a practical, new use in our home. 

Now on to what are we keeping.
Each family member will have their wardrobe. I will have 2. (One is a set of work clothes, the rest are home/daily clothes.) 

3 pairs of short
3 pairs of jeans/khaki's/etc.
10 t'shirts-6 short sleeve/3 long sleeve
3 pairs of sweats/house pants
3 pajamas
1 dress up outfit (for church, weddings, etc.)
1 jacket
1 sweater
1 winter coat

for the girls only
3 skirts
3 dresses
3 pairs of tights

I will not be getting rid of any socks or under wear or under shirts. We will be keeping all of those. Because with little kids, sometimes you go through lots of socks and underwear!

This is going to be an exercise in frugality. And picking our favorites to keep. I plan on keeping some extras in storage in case we need them. But for the most part we plan on relying on just what I will have on hand.  This is going to end up being an exercise in patience and all of us picking what we really love most. All clothes have to be versatile, strong, clean and  practical.

Do you think you could slim your wardrobe down? Would it be easy or hard? 

Hugs & Coffee, 
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom
Please take a moment to join in on the conversation on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm coffee! Oh, sorry, I was commenting on the post...

    I've been wanting to purge clothes and linens for a while. Especially since 90% of the WAY TOO FREAKING MANY loads of laundry we own were given to us by someone who just didn't feel like throwing them away. Luckily, we just got a dresser for the boys (we had been keeping all the clothes piled in the master bedroom at the old house, and in our school room here) so now I finally have a place to put things once they're sorted. Yay! I seriously need to purge out all my pre-weight loss stash, too, and cross my fingers that the size 20 and up stuff will never be needed again. My plan for the linens is to narrow it down to one complete set per family member, plus a few extras in case of accidents.

    Hmm... I may just have to do a blog post of my own on this.
