Friday, March 29, 2013

Coffee Musings

I'm thinking of starting a new theme. Friday Coffee Musings. Just things that have randomly come into my head, heart or life in the last week. Just leave them to be pondered or even chuckled at. So grab your coffee -mines an Organic Kona Blend with Organic Coconut Milk Creamer (Vanilla) and Sugar- what's yours?

This week has shown me a few things.

I'm horrible at keeping my schedule and word. It's not that I intentionally blow people off, but I get lazy or stuck in a mindset that breaking it will be the curse of me. I really need to work on this. Focus and direct my energies where they need to be directed. Follow through. Respect myself and others enough to stay on top of my goal. 

How evil are "comfort foods" from your childhood. Like pizza rolls. Why is it that they are so yummy and ruin ever single goal I had set for myself this week to eat clean? Why were they even invented. Just to bring demise to our health? It really isn't fair.... nom, nom, nom. 

No matter how small my lap is, I can get both kids on it at the same time and love them both equally. Even if we look like a Tetris game-board. It is worth it and I can feel a noticeable difference in my stress level after just getting on the floor and loving on them. 

Little Row can talk. She just refuses to. This was proven when she was singing along with a song on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood or Little Einsteins. The stinker... she's been holding out all along. 

Noah can officially count to 20, again, when he wants to. You have to wait until he thinks you aren't paying attention and then he'll do it. Same for writing his name, identifying his ABCs and more. Stinker status too.

I am so excited to save up the money and join a certain birth movement. It came to my attention about a month ago and no one else I knew had liked it. Now I know 15 other friend like it. It was a nice feeling to be the first. It won't compare to the feeling when I'm the first certified in it in our area! Come on money!!! I need to attend two births to have enough money to attend!

I like this. It feels purging. And nice to randomly put my thoughts down. Word Vomit of sorts. Thanks for reading. So..... tell me.....

What kind of coffee are you drinking and what musings did you have this week

Hugs & Coffee, 
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom
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