Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chasing Clouds Essential Oil Review (And a Giveaway!)

Recently I was on the market for an affordable and excellent quality essential oil to add to my doula bag. While I like the big name brands, I just can't afford them right now and I would much rather contribute to a small business any way. So as I was rummaging around on the various big names pages I thought, "Why not check Etsy!?"

And boy was I pleased.

There aren't but a handful of stores on Etsy who sell EOs, but I kept search and reading about everyone I found. And finally decided to order from two store. While I am most happy with both stores, the one I find even more inviting and feel like I am getting the best quality from is featured today.

Chasing Clouds stole my eye by their unique name and variety in their store. They not only offer oils, but vintage homemaking items and more. They are located in Canada with a great shipping rate to America. They respond quickly and get your order processed in a 2-3 day turn around. Their customer service is amazing and you can message them asking for paperwork on their oils and what they tested at. All their oils are therapeutic grade. 

So now on to the oils.

I am reviewing three oils today from their product line. They variety they offer is amazing, but these are my three favorite. And for good reason!

1. Lemon
I love lemon. It's a great refresher and works really well with my doula clients and around my house. Mixed with vinegar it can make everything smell squeaky clean and fresh while disinfecting. For my doula clients who might be battling some nausea during labor and delivery it can help calm a upset tummy. This smell of this oil is so pure. It literally smells like someone fresh zested a lemon in front of you. It is organic and amazing!

2. Clove-Stem (sadly this product is discontinued in their shop)
As a mom of young kids who are teething, this one is essential (pun intended) for me. Clove oil is a great numbing agent and works wonders in the mouth and teeth area. The smell of this is like fresh ground cloves. Spicy and sweet and aromatic, this is great for cleaning with if you like the spicier smell. But it's true benefit lies in it's use as a numbing agent. **This always needs to be diluted with a carrier oil and should not be used by pregnant woman.**

3. Thievery
Thievery oil is worth it's weight and value in gold. This oil began with it's own legend and has since proven itself time and time again. Chasing Clouds version holds it up to that standard and assures the highest quality. Their version can be used neat (straight) or diluted for use in children and infants and works best on your feet or as a disinfectant mixed with water. When you open the bottle you smell the variety of oils that go into making this blend so valuable. With a blend of clove, eucalyptus, lemon, cinnamon and rosemary you are getting a powerhouse of healing in one bottle. This is a must have in the house at all times. And Chasing Clouds makes it affordable without sacrificing quality.

In fact, I'm such a fan of their Thievery blend, that I want to offer you a chance to win a 2mL bottle! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This review and giveaway was sponsored by Anti-Mainstream Mom.

Hugs & Coffee,
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom 


  1. Love your page. Can't wait to read future posts.

  2. I'd love to use it as a disinfectant!

  3. I would use it in my home made kitchen cleaner.

  4. I would use the lemon oil for a wake-up, and a cleaning helper. For the Thievery Oil... I used it in my daycare with a diffuser, on and off all day... and LOVED IT. The kids were always So healthy
