Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I am whomever you say I am.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You don't give me a chance to show you the depth,
that I know resides in me.
You see what my status says,
or the clothes that I wear.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You see a political activist,
you label me a conspiracist.
You see a non-mainstream parent,
you label me attachment.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You see me nursing a toddler,
you label me a sexual deviant.
You see me planting a garden,
you label me a free-range hippie.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You see me teaching kids at home,
you label me a religious fanatic.
You see me running around without a bra,
you label me a feminist.
You decide who I am before you know me.

I am whomever you say I am.
I am whomever you label me.
You decide before you know me.

So who are you?
-The Anti-Mainstream Mom

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