Here in the upper Ozarka winters can be harsh. They can literally throw you into the 1900s with no electricity, water or internet. So the preparations have to start early, because without running water or heat, there can be many opportunities for catching some nasty bug.
Perhaps the biggest preparation I have started was my Master Tonic. While this is mainly for myself to use as a preventative to not catch anything (never know when a mama is going to go into labor) that might come floating around.
So what is Master Tonic?
Master Tonic is a potent blend of food ingredients that are known to hold anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Very similar to the concoction of herbs used by thieves during the Black Plague to prevent people who came in contact from catching it.
What is in Master Tonic?
The blend can vary a lot depending in the region and the creator of your blend. Personally, I like to use all fresh ingredients either grown in my garden or wild crafted to get the most benefits out if them. Dry herbs can be used for just the plain herb version, but you will sacrifice some of the potency of your tonic.
The list of herbs used in Master Tonic is considerably shorter and uses more common kitchen ingredients than Thieves Vinegar, they can be used interchangeably with some discretion. **You would want to exercise caution in using anything on your skin or internally that could cause a reaction.**
Herbs/Ingredients Traditionally Used:
White Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Red Wine Vinegar
Wild Marjoram
Campanula Root
Hot Peppers (cayenne, Thai, jalapeƱo, etc.)
**Please research any ingredient before you use. Some are not intended for use in people with health condition, pregnant or nursing moms or with certain medications. Consults a physician or pharmacist with any questions.
So do I still have you interested? Want to make your own version of Master Tonic? I'll provide two versions that I use. I like to start them on a New Moon and finish them up on the Full Moon. Make sure to shake vigorously atleast once a day.
Standard Master Tonic
Cayenne Peppers -Seeds and Gills incld.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Use equal parts of food ingredients.
Grate or chop all ingredients into small pieces. Put in glass jar to about 3/4 full. Cover with ACV and put a lid on and let sit for 15 days.
CVM's Ultra Potent Master Tonic
Cayenne Peppers
Apple Cider Vinegar
Equal parts on all ingredients except the ACV.
Chop or grate ingredients. But all ingredients into a glass jar to about 3/4 full, cover with apple cider vinegar and put a lid on it. Let sit for 15 days.
To Finish
Strain "pulp" in a cheese cloth over a bowl and squeeze pulp to remove extra liquid. (Wearing gloves is smart!! This is super strong.) Put your liquid in a jar with a lid and store in a cool dark place. Out pulp in another jar and save for salads and such. It is still very potent and adds zing to meals.
To Use
Take 1 ounce and swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds and then swallow. Use 2x-3x daily as a preventative during cold an flu season.
You can also put it on your hands to help prevent contracting any bugs when interacting with people.
Master Tonic is a great preventative that packs a potent kick in upping your immune system and fighting bugs while still supports your overall health. So, is Master Tonic for you?
Send in your pictures of your completed tonic to share!! I'd love to hear how yours turns out!