Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why I Cloth Diaper

We're a cloth diapering family. We get elbow deep in poop and gladly stink up our washer multiple times a week getting the gunk out. And we are okay with that. 

But why, you might ask. 

There are many reasons families cloth diaper. Environmental reasons, allergy reasons, frugal reasons, etc. And these reasons vary from family to family. For our family we use them for a few reasons. 

1. Frugality- We have had a very rough year and a half and I knew that diapers would be hard to purchase. I knew that if I had cloth diapers I would never have to worry about whether I could afford diapers or not. I could always wash them in the tub if I had to. And trust me, I have had too.

 Just a glance at this chart above shows you how much you can save by just buying cloth diapers. It has included the cost of laundry in them as well, which for me is on the steeper end. We have primarily used flats/prefolds and covers. I think cost can be considerably less if you use different washing methods.

2. Environmental- There are some out there who claim that there is no difference between cloth and disposable when it comes to the environmental reasons. They say you use the washer and dryer and the electricity outweighs the landfill. I disagree. Sure, there are people who solely use electricity for washing/drying their diapers. But most of us who cloth diaper like using the sun. It helps us "bleach" our diapers and kills germs! 


3. Vanity- There are some who would say there is nothing vain about using cloth diapers, but have you SEEN the way those bums look when they are covered in cloth! They are so cute! You just want to let them run around in diapers and leggings and a t'shirt because they are so stinkin' cute! So for me, the vanity of it comes in to play seriously. (Could also be why I just arranged to buy about 6/7 more diapers from a friend!)

So tell me, 
What are your reasons for cloth diapering!? Share in the comments below! 

Keep on walking the path less traveled,
Anti-Mainstream Mom

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